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Trailerable Houseboats

Trailerable Houseboats come in many different sizes and designs. They also come in many different materials. They range anywhere from three thousand to nine thousand pounds.

That may seem heavy, but they can easily be pulled on a trailer by simply using a SUV or a standard pickup truck.

These trailerable Houseboats can be used for many different boating activities. Whether it be fishing, cruising, or just living on it, these boats are designed with your desires in mind. You have the option of getting hold of some houseboat construction plans, so as to build your own liveaboard, or you can go down to your nearest boat retailer and he will set you up with what you need. You can even have one special made at the manufacture, if you are willing to spend the money.

Trailerable houseboats are made out of four basic materials. Aluminum is the most common. Fiberglass runs a close second and steel which is a distant third. Steel however, is not what it used to be. The market is fading fast. Then of course there is wood. Wood, which has been the material for boats since the beginning of time, is still widely used.

The problem with wood though is that it requires a longer time period to manufacture and then takes a lot more care to maintain. They turn out some beautiful boats, but they do have their drawbacks as well.

When consumers are looking for a floating home, they are normally looking for three things. They want speed, beauty and comfort. They also want to get some of the great features that are options on a houseboat.

Now days you can get walkways all the way around the boat, a fly bridge on the roof. You can get custom made rails and /FM/CD Stereo and heating and air. A beautiful little kitchen and sleeping quarters, in addition, you can get a nice bathroom complete with a hot or cold water shower. All the comforts of a property on land.

Choosing one of the trailerable houseboats on offer is not an easy decision. It takes a lot of time and hard decision making. Many of those decisions depend on your lifestyle. How many people will be on the boat and what you will be using the boat for? One thing is for sure, if you want a houseboat, you will have a wide range of options at your disposal. The easy choice was knowing that you want one.

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